Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ashes to Ashes

021 : 365
To dust we shall return

I did a strange thing last night. I poured the remains of my brother in law from a mason jar into a ziplock baggie.

Before my husband's brother died, he requested that some of his ashes be spread over the Pacific Ocean: the place he had learned to surf, a place of family vacations, a place he loved. We buried some of them in a memorial garden on a cold February day after his memorial service, as the wind blew snow in swirls around us. But the rest will finally be released into the waters of the Pacific this week.

This morning my husband took a plane to California, and I was charged with making sure that the ashes would pass through security. Hence the baggie. Double bagged, actually.

This afternoon the jar was still sitting on the kitchen counter. And I decided it might make an interesting subject for today's project365 photograph.

You can see that there is still a bit of dust in the bottom of jar.


Sue said...

This shot is breathtaking: the circularity of it, the traces of the ash, the unique marking in the jar that looks like an eyelash lightly closed. It's marvelous and meaningful.

NotSoSage said...

Mesmerizing photo...and the story only makes it more so.

bornhikin said...

What Sue & "Snapped" said.