51 : 365
Picture from a moving car FAIL
Alejna took some cool pictures out of a train window in the rain. I tried to do this, but the combination of high speed, bouncing, and wrong shutter speed turned this into a fail. I need to learn how to change the shutter speed manually. There are several pictures I've failed at that I want to try again once I take the time to learn this basic technique.

51 : 365

53 : 365
I love all these birds of prey shots (you and bornhikin'). It's the time of year, I guess!
The hawk photo is beautiful! As is the one of the May Queen with that look of intense concentration.
And, oh, how many shots are just epic fails when I try them. I guess, for me, it's all about increasing the ratio of successful to failed shots taken over the course of the year.
Love th expression on MQ's face :) and the hawk is superb.
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